There are three main types of air conditioning systems in existence. The first is the central air conditioning system. The second is the window air conditioning system. The third type of AC system is the split AC installation. Split air conditioners are also known as ductless air conditioning systems. Split air conditioners have two main components; the air handler and the condenser unit. The air handler or evaporator is mounted on the wall or ceiling of the room while the condenser is installed outside on the roof, exterior wall or on the ground.

There are many benefits of split air conditioning systems. The first is easy installation. After all, only the exterior wall of the building needs to be drilled for the power line and refrigerant tubing to pass through. When in need of split AC installation, you should search for the best installer in the city. Below are the key factors to consider during the search. The following are the main factors to take into consideration when looking for an installer:

i) Licensing

When searching for the right installer for your needs, it is commended you only shortlist licensed HVAC companies. Be sure to check the issuing authority of the licence, the licence category and expiry date. Holders of valid licences have met all the minimum professional requirements are qualified to handle the job and can easily get the job done to your satisfaction.

ii) Experience

The amount of experience different contractors have should be considered. The most experienced contractors deserve to get special consideration as they have been in the industry for a long time and handled many similar installation jobs. Do not just check the years of experience a contractor has because the types and number of AC systems they have installed in the past should be considered.

iii) Cost

The cost of installation different firms have should be considered. You want affordable installation services. Therefore, you should spend some time comparing the rates quoted by different firms to identify the most affordable installer. The good news is that there is a lot of competition in the industry, so you can easily identify an affordable installer.

It is always a good idea to read reviews and check the testimonials given by the previous clients of the shortlisted contractors. This will give you a good idea about the quality of service the installers normally offer to the public.