Acupuncture in Richmond is a form of treatment that has been around for over 2500 years. As an old Chinese treatment methodology, acupuncture is an effective treatment for nausea, joint pain and treating those who have undergone chemotherapy and dental operation. It is a treatment in which small needles are inserted into the nerves and areas around the site generating pain and which requires relaxation. Acupuncture is based on the philosophy that patterns of energy flow through the body to create the best condition. It is believed that disruptions of this flow are responsible for the diseases in the bodies of human beings. Therefore, acupuncture creates a balance in the flow, especially in areas around or close to the skin.
In the US, the use of acupuncture in treating identifiable pathophysiological diseases took effect in early 1970’s. Since this moment, acupuncture has become increasingly popular treatment that complements western medicine.
Acupuncture involves stimulation of anatomical locations around the skin using a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat various diseases. The most sought-after method of stimulating the points is the penetration of skin using thin needles. The needles can be manipulated manually or using automated mechanisms. Today, the FDA regulates acupuncture needles just as it regulates other surgical devices and syringes.
Are there side effects of acupuncture?
Just as any other medical procedure, acupuncture has few risks, including accidental puncturing of the lung, which can lead to a condition called pneumothorax. This is a condition in which the lung collapses due to accidental puncturing by the needles. The other risk is the viral hepatitis, which is a potentially dangerous infection that affects the liver. Other common side effects include the infections of the bacteria at the focus points of insertion. However, common side effects can be controlled since they are caused by lack of proper training of the expert and poor hygiene.
Acupuncture has shown to provide good results in adult post-operative and other procedures and diseases, including vomiting, post-operative dental pain, stroke, headache, tennis elbow, myofacial pain, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma and osteoarthritis.
Some biological effects of acupuncture have been noted in cases where the improper acupuncture has been done and wrong places stimulated. Therefore, it is important to carefully diagnose and profile the biological effects to determine which ones are because of acupuncture and not wrong or sham acupuncture. Other common effects such as blood pressure and opioids have been noted after a vigorous exercise, relaxation training or painful stimuli. The good news is that most of these effects can be mediated with the help of an experienced acupuncturist and following the correct post-procedure guidelines.
Although there are no established mechanisms that can provide mediation for the therapeutic effect of acupuncture, it is important to note that a number of biological changes can be delineated successfully if you involve a doctor who understands Acupuncture in Richmond.