Georgia’s booming IT industry has led to a rise in IT Company Georgia services. Starting last year, nearly all companies that design websites, develop software, create computer applications and create other IT-related products and services in Georgia now enjoy a unique tax structure. They may obtain a virtual service business status, completely exempting them from both state taxes and federal income tax. This means that instead of paying taxes on their business assets, they only pay taxes on the income they receive. The benefits of this tax relief system are not immediately apparent; however, many are likely to benefit from the tax breaks.
IT companies have several options for engaging in different sectors of businesses in Georgia. The most popular option for new establishments is opening a sole proprietorship. In addition, many corporate accountants in the state offer IT services and computer repair and networking services. Finally, several banks also provide IT services, so it is advisable to inquire with your bank about your options for registering IT companies.
Other Georgia corporations provide IT services to local businesses through an offsite arrangement. These companies can register as virtual companies. This will enable IT workers to accept orders from customers without actually having an IT department. In addition, virtual company registration does not require the submission of financial information. Instead, the company simply receives an internet address through which orders can be placed.
IT Company Georgia can benefit greatly from IT company registration in Georgia. By providing these professionals with IT services, these businesses will be able to expand their market share. IT workers can work from home and enjoy flexible working hours. With the assistance of the Georgia Department of Technology, companies engaged in Georgia IT services can take advantage of the virtual zone company status offered by the state. In addition, IT workers can maintain their professional image by registering their professional identity online.
IT workers can benefit greatly from IT company registration in Georgia. These professionals can expand their business territory by crossing the state lines. IT workers can enjoy IT support services when registering themselves with the Georgia Department of Technology. IT companies can purchase a corporate server when registering with the Georgia Department of Technology. When purchasing a server, the IT company can select the one that is compliant with their requirements. This way, the IT company can enjoy IT support services from an off-the-shelf company in Georgia.