To choose the most suitable camera, the first decision to make depends on the type of video you want to create and, unfortunately, also on the budget available. As with many things, it is not possible to give an advice in absolute terms, but we list here a set of basic parameters to be taken into consideration to make the right choice.

Popularly used today are the DSLR, in fact SLR cameras that are also able to shoot video in fullHD like the Animated Video Company. Here too, the product range and price is very broad, from $400 upwards, even if added costs for objectives, and accessories.

In the meantime, DSLRs, despite having a better photographic quality at the same cost compared to a video camera, are still designed to be cameras, so especially if you are a beginner, it is more difficult to exploit them to their full potential. In any case, the choice is based on certain technical parameters

In this case, the shot is formed only by long unique shots not divided into several shots, it is good to find some stratagems to break down the scene afterwards and to decide the rhythm.

One of these is the Jump Cut, or create small cuts in the scene, from some frames to even longer times. This however creates a rhythmic effect, without giving up the content. In any case, editing is also a moment of synthesis, so from a very long scene it is always good to strive to understand what is fundamental and what is not.

Faced with a long shot it is necessary to choose some few elements that are able to give a complete sense of narrative just like the Animated Video Company. First thing to consider is the size of the CMOS sensor, that device that transforms the light that enters the lens, into digital information, that is the pixels that make up the frame.

A dimension that starts to be acceptable is 2/3 “(two thirds of an inch), which corresponds to a sensor with a dimension of 4.8 × 3.6 mm, but for a minimally professional yield it is necessary to start at least 1” ( one inch) whose size corresponds to 12.8 × 9.6 mm.

The top of the range is characterized by full-frame sensors, which have a dimension that corresponds to the photographic film, whose dimensions are 36 × 24 mm. A step below the full-frame we find the APS-C sensor (Advanced Photo System-Classic) whose size varies depending on the manufacturer but that varies around the size of 24 × 16 mm.

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