Cell towers come in a wide range of sizes–-from huge traditional towers that need a lot of space to install to small antennas that can be quietly tucked on roof tops. Irrespective of the size of a phone tower, one of the main reasons why property owners are always ready to structure cell site agreements is additional income. Getting a cell phone tower installed on your property will provide you with immediate revenue stream through the rent paid by the respective cell service providers.

Like any other income opportunity out there, the amount that you will get on a phone tower lease vary greatly and often depend on the value of the tower as well as the negotiating strategies that you employ. However, before you figure out how much to quote or the strategies to apply in negotiating a cell tower lease contract, you need to know whether your property is suitable for a phone tower.

Without further ado, here are things that are worth considering if you have ever asked the big question in the cell tower lease community: how to get a cell tower on your property.

1. Establish whether the site that you have in mind is ideal from a coverage perspective. Is the nearest phone tower to your site a minimum of 1 mile away (excluding rooftop sites)?

2. Is your site located on a higher or lower elevation than your surrounding areas? Most cell phone tower providers prefer higher site locations.

3. Is your property located in wetlands, flood zones, state land, contaminated site, preserved farmland, endangered animal habitat, or FAA flight path? If yes, then you shouldn’t apply for a cellphone tower contract because it will be rejected.

4. Do you have at least 2000 square feet of ground space to fit the tower and other equipemt cabinets?

5. If you are planning to have the tower installed on your roof top, strive to know if the height of your roof is within the limits set by cell phone providers. Generally, rooftops that are 30-75 high or buildings with 3-7 floors with flat rooftops are most favored.

Having a cell phone tower installed in your property is great opportunity due to the long term profits associated with them. However, before you sign a lease agreement, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. The benefits could help you, your family, and the community but the downsides should be considered too. Accordingly, before you begin the negotiations, it is highly recommended to seek the help of a professional to comprehensively review all the available options.