A Brief on Historical Fiction and Historical Fiction Writers

Since the days of Plato, writers have been using fiction to help explain history. The modern novel of historical fiction is a more recent development. What drives writers of historical fiction?

History is not just a set of stories about the past. It’s a link between times and generations — a continuum that spans cultures and centuries. Historical fiction brings both perspectives to life, retracing distant events from yesterday or last year while also helping us make sense of our own lives by connecting us with those who lived long ago. A stirring story can be experienced on many levels: as an entertainment, yes, but also as an experience that helps us understand ourselves better — what it means to be human in this place at this time — and connect with others through time and space.

History is like a jigsaw puzzle: an accumulation of small stories pieced together to show a larger picture. No matter how large the puzzle, there will always be pieces we miss or lose; still, we know that if we put all the pieces together, we’ll get a complete picture. Likewise, history is not written by historians alone but shared with others who are able to piece it all together in different ways giving us new insights into our common past. As one reader stated at our second annual Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tour held on Goodreads: “The best books are those which combine both scholarship and art.”

Authors of historical fiction come from every walk of life, though education in history appears common. Some authors spend years researching their subject, not only reading the latest academic texts but also traveling to the place of action and poring over maps and secondary sources such as diaries and letters. Characters come alive when we learn how they ate, slept, dressed, and loved; likewise, we get a better understanding of history through gaining an insight into daily life: what did they eat? How did they amuse themselves? What was considered beautiful? How did they work and travel?

In conclusion, Historical Fiction Writers heightens our historical imagination. It brings history to life by making it “real” for us, not only in the sense of accuracy but also in giving us an emotional experience that enriches our own lives and helps us make connections with others around the globe who share similar concerns.

Historical Fiction Writers – A Brief

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