Acupuncture South Yarra is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. It uses the implantation and the manipulation of fine needles on various points of the body and have therapeutic virtues.
It is apparently the most used, the most recognized and the most taught in the West. This therapeutic method allows one to influence and treat the interior of the body by using a synergy of specific points on the surface.
Needles are used to stimulate these specific points. Other methods are also used. Among these are the soft laser, electrical stimulation of the needles, Moxibustion (which involves heating the needles) or even the use of the fingers in place of the needles.
An energy balancing assessment is performed by the acupuncturist to determine the appropriate stimulation method. It is the stimulation of the points and the choices of methods that have an effect on an organ or a region of the body.
Acupuncture is based on the great principles of Asian medicine that are yin (the physical body) and yang (energy). These aspects represent the state of the body. Thus, an excess of yin or yang would cause various disorders.
The practice entails the insertion of metal needles under the skin, which will puncture the body in specific places to induce the desired action on the body. The goal is to restore the energy balance of the body.
It is now considered an effective complementary therapy in the treatment of many disorders such as headaches, intestinal problems or joint pain that are also associated with poor nutrition.
The points on which the needles are implanted are called the meridians. And according to Chinese precepts, these points affect the course of the energies that cross our body. The needles are inserted on the surface of the skin and stimulate its points in order to regulate the energy as well as physiological, organic and psychic targeted functions.
Acupuncture acts on the Qi or chi which means breath or energy, which circulates in the body by the way of meridians. Meridians (20 in all) are complexly branched channels that travel through different sites of the body, from the organs to the extremities of the upper and lower limbs, or skull.
Remember that acupuncture is a technique indicated in the treatment or accompaniment of many disorders including allergies, constipation, inflammatory pain, headache, enuresis, depression and obstructive broncho pneumopathies.
Acupuncture South Yarra can also be used in hospitals to compensate for the negative effects of general anesthesia. The opinion of specialists differ on the effectiveness of acupuncture on weight loss.