Have you heard about the breathable weighted blanket? A lot has been said about these blankets. They are touted to have certain therapeutic benefits, which may have persuaded you to consider getting your kid one. But as a first-time buyer, you likely have no idea of what to look for in a weighted blanket to ensure safety and proper functionality. Read on
They are designed to offer therapeutic benefits to people of different body mass. So, they vary in weight. When choosing one, ensure you go for that which weighs 10% of your child’s body mass plus 1 pound- it is the recommended weight.
Ideally, the weight on the blanket should be distributed evenly on the kid’s body during sleep. Avoid picking blankets too heavy for the child, as they’ll exert more pressure on their body, causing discomfort other than the intended therapeutic comfort. You can consult with your therapist to ensure you get the right recommendations. The health and safety of your kid should always be of utmost priority.
Breathability is also a key factor in a breathable weighted blanket. That’s why therapists recommend cotton-made weighted blankets for kids. They are the coolest, most breathable, and safest. The good news is that cotton-designed options are limitless. Regardless of what style of binding you want for a weighted blanket; you can always find many made of cotton fabric.
Take time to examine the blanket you are looking to buy to verify it’s 100% cotton. Ensure you buy from a brand that prioritizes safety. Such sellers will be cautious enough to avoid the use of synthetic fabrics that often lead to suffocation or overheating.
The bed’s measure does not determine the size of a blanket but the user’s dimensions. That said, you must get a blanket that fits the child appropriately. It should never feel too small or too big for them. Any extra inch means an added weight, and any less inch will also mean reduced weight. Make sure the blankets’ size and weight matches that of your child.
For instance, the standard size for a weighted blanket recommended for 3-year-old is 36*48, weighing 5 pounds; these are children that weigh about 36 pounds.
If you want your child to maximize the benefits of a breathable weighted blanket, consider the above aspects. But with many companies selling these blankets, finding the right vendor can be a daunting process. Thus, seek the help of your kid’s occupational therapist. They will refer you to a reputable seller.