Acupuncture in Cremorne promotes the body’s self-healing process by stimulating various anatomic parts. Practitioners target specific acupuncture points (also known as acupoints) by inserting fine, sterile needles into the skin. As a result, the procedure improves various bodily functions. It has been practiced for over 3,000 years and originates from China.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognizes the importance of acupuncture. It comes as no surprise that many insurance policies cover this type of treatment.
How acupuncture works
Apart from insertion of needles into the skin, practitioners also employ a variety of techniques to promote self-healing. These include electrical, heat and pressure stimulation. The procedures are known to further enhance the stimulation and healing. Additionally, acupuncture may involve stimulation techniques like cupping, moxibustion, manual massage and the application of linaments and medicines.
Acupuncture provides a viable way to unblock vessels on the body. Researchers discovered that this form of treatment is effective on various parts of the body. These include digestive system, cardiovascular, nervous system as well as immune and endocrine systems. Patients can experience pain relief and improved sleep. In addition, they enjoy a better sense of well-being and improved digestive function.
Treatment process
Before proceeding with the treatment process, an acupuncturist inquires about the patient’s health history. The practitioner goes on to examine the coating, shape and color of the tongue. Additional physical examinations, including feeling the pulse may be carried out depending on the patient’s condition.
The assessment allows the acupuncturist to determine the appropriate treatment plan. Once the decision has been made, the practitioner asks the patient to lie down. The treatment process will start by stimulating various acupuncture points. The majority of people who undergo the procedure feel minimal discomfort when the acupuncturist inserts the fine needles.
The procedure entails the insertion of needles for periods ranging between five and thirty minutes. The majority of patients feel more relaxed after the procedure.
Acupuncture in Cremorne: Frequency of treatments
The number of treatments required to achieve the best patient outcomes vary from one person to another. It is common for patients to feel dramatic relief, thus helping reduce the frequency of treatment sessions required. Regular treatments are usually necessary for patients suffering from chronic or more acute conditions.
In such cases, the acupuncturist may recommend between one and two treatments every week for several months. The practitioner will decide on the frequency of treatments on the patient’s first visit.
Some of the conditions successfully treated using this form of treatment include infertility, depression, musculoskeletal problems, anxiety, nausea and migraine headache.
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