Acupuncture for fertility involves using needles inserted into specific points on your skin that then stimulate qi energy in different body systems like meridians or organ networks.
Acupuncture is a safe and natural method of fertility enhancement. It has been used for centuries in China to help women conceive, and acupuncture for fertility treatments has also become popular in the United States over the last decade. Many acupuncture points can be stimulated to improve fertility, but three main acupuncture points are most commonly used:
1) GV-4 (the point on your wrist below the base of your thumb)
This point can help with your hormones, blood flow, and other things to make you able to have a baby. This point is on the inside edge of your first and second toes.
It also helps with labor if it is combined with SP-14 (this point is on the lower abdomen). If there is counter flow qi in the body, it can cause problems. You can use the SP-14 to calm that down to not have a panic attack or cough.
2) SP-6 (a point located 3 inches below your navel)
Acupuncture SP-6 helps to relieve body pain, regulate hormones and metabolism.
The SP6 point is the place where the meridians of the liver, spleen, and kidneys meet. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to strengthen the spleen and balance Yin and Yang.
3) KI-7 (located on the inside edge between your first and second toes). These acupuncture points will stimulate blood flow, balance hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Fuliu Returning Flow point is on the acupuncture meridian of the kidney’s system. It can help with kidney qi, yin, and yang energy. It helps to increase circulation in your lower body by stimulating qi around your ankles with acupuncture needles.
Talk to your doctor before you do pregnancy activities. They can help you.