The Gulf War is an international conflict that took place in the Gulf region of the Middle East after Iraq invaded Kuwait. It was a war between Iraq and a coalition of 34 countries led by the U.S., fighting to force Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.

The Gulf War has had an impact on many people across the globe, including those who served in it, their families, and children born with Gulf War birth defects (GWBD). This article will discuss 3 things you need to know about Gulf War Birth Defects.

The first thing you need to know is what Gulf War birth defects are. Gulf War Birth Defects involve the development of one or more conditions that can have a negative effect on your child’s health, appearance, and/or ability to function within society. These abnormalities may be based on genetics or caused by environmental factors before, during, or after the pregnancy ends

The second thing you need to know is what causes Gulf War birth defects. One cause of GWBD is exposure to hazardous materials such as depleted uranium, burn pits (that burned improperly discarded material including human waste), oil fires, etc., while serving in Iraq between January 17th, 1991- December 31st 2011. Exposure increases the risk for developing certain types of cancers but there is no evidence it affects fertility rates.

Another potential cause is sandstorms. These storms can contain high levels of lead and other toxins which when breathed in, enter the bloodstream and eventually cross the placenta to the baby.

The third thing you need to know about Gulf War birth defects is what kind of help is available for affected families. The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) offers a wide range of health care benefits for those who served in the Gulf War including those with GWBD offspring. This includes free healthcare services and monthly financial compensation.

What else should I know?

Offspring of Gulf War Veterans with GWBD may be eligible for multiple forms of assistance from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). This includes free healthcare services and monthly financial compensation.

The VA also provides support groups, educational opportunities, research grants, travel funds to see a specialist if needed among other things. Please visit their website or contact them directly for more information on what is available in your area.

Gulf War birth defects are still being studied by experts today so it’s important that affected families stay current on all related news and resources as they become available. You can learn more about children born with these types of health issues online.

3 Things You Need To Know About Gulf War Birth Defects

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