Apartment owners ought to understand the regulations governing their operations. These laws are different in different regions. Thus, a property lawyer will explain what the law requires you to do as you manage your flats. The tenement management structure outlines steps followed when deciding on how to maintain common parts of a unit. Note that these provisions are applicable if the property’s title deeds are not specific about making such decisions. Also, owners refer to this scheme if these ownership documents are conflicting. Scheme decisions help with property management. So, what is tenement management?

About Tenement Management Document

The tenement plan outlines the daily upkeep work in an apartment. These tasks involve maintenance, painting, and even replacements. Also, the scheme highlights steps followed when hiring and firing a property manager and their team. This plan discusses the procedures used when choosing a third party and assigning them the power to manage a flat. You can easily arrange for independent inspections to determine whether maintenance services are necessary from the document. Besides, the management document is ideal when arranging and choosing common insurance covers for the building.

Tenement management Clauses

What is tenement management? A tenement management plan authorizes the upkeep of a structure that needs to be carried out. It also pinpoints the measures to adhere to when fixing new door and security systems. Ensure that you read your scheme to identify areas that need to be changed to suit your preference and structure needs. Even so, the plan does not provide information about building renovations or demolitions. Thus, owners must give consent for such works to be carried out on their structures.

Decision Making

Voting is necessary during the decision making process. Votes are counted in terms of flats and not owners. Therefore, owners have to adhere to the made decisions. The voting process might take long if owners disagree on common interests. The court will listen to shareholders with larger shares or prohibit all shareholders from voting. Moreover, each flat ought to cast a vote. Building owners hold meetings to decide on how to vote.


After making decisions about a structure, property managers plan on the repair work as they find the right workforce. Also, they explain to the contractors about the task and the payment plan before they commerce on the job. All owners ought to participate in the voting process. The tenement scheme will guide you on effectively managing your properties.

What Is Tenement Management?

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