The highest or lowest factor is related to the degree of risk to which that type of skin is exposed and to the reaction time it has before it turns red. So if the skin is already tanned and you have exposed ourselves to the sun several times, you can choose a lower filter, like 15 for the note.

However, the SPF factor does not indicate the effectiveness of the cream against the different types of UV. For this reason it is preferable to buy a broad-spectrum and always water-resistant cream. In general, to choose the protection that best suits us, it is necessary to know your phototype. Hairdresser Wahroonga services allow you to change your hairstyle and appearance.

Buying the best product is not enough to feel safe from burns (and wrinkles.). The most important part concerns its correct application of the skin. So let’s first remember to spread the cream 15-30 minutes before exposing ourselves to the sun. The operation should be repeated in principle after two hours: much depends on sweating, contact with water, exposure to the sun (for example at the time of day).

The application must however be renewed after swimming in the sea or swimming pool: when you read on the bottle the word water resistant does not mean that you continue to be protected even after the bath but that the cream is not washed away and therefore it also protects us by standing in the water (for a maximum of 40 minutes).

Generally, the expiration date of a sunscreen cream is indicated on the package. They should be consumed within the year (12 months): starting to apply it in May for example, for the following summer it will take another (to be sure of protection in the months of June, July, August and September). Hairdresser Wahroonga can transform your look.

Some skin types are objectively more delicate than others: problems like varicose veins, psoriasis or for example a white-milk skin rich in moles. Not to mention that of children and babies. It has been shown that the damage to the skin suffered during childhood (or in any case before the age of 18) lowers the natural defenses of the skin, in response to the aggression of the sun’s rays.

In these cases, the best sunscreen has a high SPF (50+), at least up to 6 years of age. But with a special care: applying sunscreen to your child does not mean leaving it in the sun in peace. The best times to stay at the beach with children is in the morning or late afternoon, avoiding the 12-16 time slot. The cream should always be reapplied after the bath and, in the case of strong heat, it is better to still add a white shirt to wear, even if wet.

Transform Your Appearance With Hairdresser Wahroonga

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