CBD testing kits can help determine whether a suspected patient is consuming cannabis. Several different kits are available. Listed below are the top CBD testing kits available.
Alpha-Cat Mini Kit
If you are only interested in testing the levels of CBD and THC, the Alpha-Cat Mini Kit is perfect for your needs. The kit contains all the equipment you need to conduct a proper test, but it is worth noting that it does not include a digital weighing scale. The mini kit can test the full spectrum of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, as well as the potency of minor cannabinoids like THCV and CBD. Nonetheless, it is still a good choice if you only need to regularly perform two to eight tests.
The Alpha-Cat Mini Kit can test CBD and THC and measure other cannabinoids like THCV, CBG, and CBC. Its versatility makes it the perfect tool for home users and small producers of cannabis products. It also lets you determine how much THC is present in your product and how much you should buy. The Alpha-Cat Mini Kit is an all-in-one solution that delivers the utmost accuracy.
MobileDetect’s THC/CBD test
If you’re looking for a reliable way to detect the presence of THC and CBD, the MobileDetect app is a great option. This application allows you to conduct tests on marijuana, hemp, and other cannabis products and prints a probable cause PDF report. You can also upload photos and time stamps to the report. This app is free and easy to download, so you can test anywhere, anytime.
DetectaChem, a detection company based in Houston, manufactures the CBD/THC Differentiation Test Pouch. This test kit will differentiate between THC and CBD and provide a presumptive indication if the sample contains the latter. The test results are based on colorimetric, which react to the core chemical structures of cannabis and hemp. The company’s lab-quality products are accurate up to a certain point, but they’re far from foolproof.
EZTestKits Synthetic Cannabinoids
Getting tested for synthetic cannabinoids in CBD oil is easy and cheap with the EZTestKits Synthetic Caninobinoids Single Use Drug Testing Kit. Whether you have been smoking Spice or K2, or are simply curious about the potency of herbal incense, the EZTestKits Synthetic Cannabinoids Single Use Drug Testing Kit can help you find out. These single-use tests contain a glass ampoule containing the chemicals you need to test the substance. Each test kit also contains a color chart that shows if it is positive for cannabinoids.
The EZTestKits Synthetic Cannabinoids Single-Use Test Kit measures the presence of CBD, THC, CBG, and CBC. This test kit can be purchased from Alpha Cat Cannabinoids or Test Kits Plus. You can order a small or large test kit containing two to eight tests or ten to forty tests. The kits can be used to detect the presence of both marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids and are available in the US and Canada.