If you’re looking for bedding for your rabbit, you have a few choices. There are straws, untreated softwood shavings, and paper-based bedding. If you want paper-based bedding, check out the following tips and guidelines. These products are biodegradable and safe for your rabbit to eat.


Straw bedding is an inexpensive alternative to other types of rabbit bedding. It also offers comfort for your bunny and prevents messes. Your rabbit will root around in the bedding and nibble at it, so you’ll want to provide something that doesn’t contain toxic materials.

Straws should be changed at least every few days, depending on how often your rabbits use them. If you have multiple bunnies, you’ll have to change them more frequently. For example, litter-trained rabbits may need new bedding once a week, while unlitter-trained bunnies may need it every few days.


One of the most popular options for rabbit bedding is hay. Rabbits are natural grazers, and they love to chew on grass when they are resting. This provides them with nutrition and keeps them from getting bored. Make sure to use high-quality hay, and change it frequently. Otherwise, it can get moldy. One of the best brands of hay is Kaytee, which is finely shredded and wafer-cut.

Aside from hay, you can also use cardboard or newspaper as bedding. Although these alternatives may not be as soft as hay, they’re a great option for small rabbit cages. You can also try paper pellets, which are made from recycled paper. These are much lighter than wood pellets and are better for the environment.

Paper-based bedding

While most people assume that paper-based bedding is not safe for rabbits, this is not true. There are plenty of alternatives that are safe for rabbits. One of them is paper pulp, which is made from shredded paper. It is dust-free and absorbent. Another alternative is paper pellets, which are made from recycled paper. The advantage of paper pellets is that they are much lighter than other bedding materials.

Other options for bedding for rabbits include white paper. The white paper is a great option for bedding because it is cheap and can be easily pressed into a bed for your rabbit. Paper-based bedding is also odorless, which helps keep your bunny clean and comfortable.

Untreated softwood shavings

There are several types of bedding for your rabbit, and the best ones are untreated softwood shavings or pellets. Those treated with chemicals to improve their smell are not recommended for rabbits. They are not as soft as softer materials and can cause splinters and sharp edges, injuring them. For bedding, choose pine shavings that are in the flake size. These will reduce fine dust, which can harm your rabbit’s respiratory system.

Cedar shavings are another good choice. This type of bedding for rabbits is biodegradable and has a pleasant cedar scent. It’s also odor-combating and absorbent, so it’s ideal for indoor or outdoor rabbit cages. Cedar shavings also have a pleasant scent, which will help keep your pet rabbit smelling fresh.

The Best Options For Bedding For Rabbits

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