When choosing biodegradable food packaging, look for a product that is natural. This material decomposes quickly and doesn’t release toxic chemicals into the environment. They are also more durable and can be recycled, making them an environmentally friendly option. For example, you can recycle biodegradable food packaging and reuse it as cardboard food boxes.
Bioplastics don’t attract harmful bacteria:
Bioplastic food packaging is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic packaging. This type of packaging contains nanoscale fibers made from corn, which has been produced through a process known as electrospinning. These fibers are coated with natural antimicrobials and are programmed to release tiny amounts of the chemicals when the packaging reaches the presence of harmful bacteria.
In laboratory studies, the fibers found in bioplastic packaging released antimicrobial compounds that killed common fungi and bacteria. These protective compounds can withstand multiple exposures to air, moisture, and food and will continue to kill harmful bacteria for months.
They decompose easily:
Using biodegradable food packaging is a great way to reduce your food packaging waste. In addition to being environmentally friendly, these packaging materials can be recycled and repurposed. Reusing your packaging is also an excellent marketing opportunity. Many businesses use social media to promote their products by encouraging consumers to recycle and reuse their packaging.
Reusing products is also a great way to save money on your packaging budget. For example, the ToolTally website encourages users to reuse their packaging, and they have a large organic following.
Another great benefit to biodegradable food packaging is the ability to be composted. This material can be used as fertilizer for the soil, supporting farming and boosting food production. Biodegradable food packaging is not only more affordable than traditional plastic, but it is also more environmentally friendly, making it a more sustainable option for your business.
They don’t release harmful chemicals:
Biodegradable food packaging is a great way to meet environmental compliance standards and attract new customers who value sustainable shopping practices. Biodegradable packaging is made from plant-based materials and does not release harmful chemicals. These bags can also be composted, and the remains are harmless to the environment.
Biodegradable plastic packaging reduces the amount of waste that’s sent to landfills and incinerators. Non-biodegradable packaging can sit in landfills for hundreds of years or be burnt in an incinerator, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. Biodegradable materials degrade in a fraction of this time and do not release hazardous chemicals into the environment. They also require less energy and fossil fuel to produce.