The pelvic floor consists of muscles located in the pelvis. It is very important for those muscles to function properly. But it is possible to have a weak pelvic floor as a result of factors such as childbirth, pregnancy or menopause. Urinary incontinence is one of the main symptoms of pelvic muscles that are weak. If you are currently having problems with these muscles, you can strengthen them again through certain exercises. Below are some of the common indications that you have weakened muscles in your pelvis.
Leaking Urine Accidentally
If you notice that all of a sudden you start leaking urine whenever you do regular things such as coughing, sneezing, working out or carrying heavy items, chances are that the muscles in your pelvis are now weak. The reason why you begin to leak is because these ordinary movements will be placing a lot of pressure on the bladder. This accidental leaking is known as stress urinary incontinence. This type of incontinence is mostly experienced by women.
By the time you reach the toilet it will be too late
If you notice that you have started getting these sudden and uncontrollable urges to urinate, but most of the time you are not getting to the toilet on time, it could be that you have problems with your pelvic muscles. This symptom is known as urge incontinence and it is mostly an issue in older women. Basically, what happens with urge incontinence is that either the brain’s nerve signals are not reaching the bladder, or you have overactive bladder muscles.
Pelvic Pain
Another sign that you might have pelvic muscles that are weak is if you have pain in that area. It could also be a sign of a serious condition. So, to be absolutely sure, make sure that you visit your doctor who will be able to give you a proper diagnosis.
Decreased sexual satisfaction
If you are pregnant, you have just given birth or you are experiencing menopause, and you notice that you have a loss of sensation every time you have sex, it could be an indication of weakened pelvic muscles. If you work on strengthening the muscles in that area, you should experience a marked improvement over time.
Passing gas accidentally
The pelvic floor is a part of the body which supports other organs like the bladder and the bowel. Therefore, a weak pelvic floor will also affect the bladder and the bowel. This usually results in accidentally passing gas or not being able to hold it in. This symptom can be quite embarrassing. But the good news is that this problem can be fixed.