This education, also known as preschool, daycare, pre-kindergarten, and nursery school, is much beneficial to children aged 3,4 and 5. No matter the variety in names, it serves the primary purpose of preparing children for future life and to elementary school. Available literature demonstrates that quality early childhood education offers a range of benefits not only to children but also their families and the community. Preschool teachers ascertain the fact that childhood education enables children to interact with their peers, parents and educators in the best way. As aforementioned, this type of education is beneficial to children. Here are some of the benefits:
Improves or boosts children social skills. Children learn to engage in the best way with adults and their peers. The preschool environment allows them to acquire the vital skills that allow them to listen to others, know how to express themselves and present ideas in the best way, cooperate, share, and become accountable for their deeds.
Boosts children performance and grades. Children who have attended early education have reduced the need for special instructions in their elementary school. High-quality preschool programs build children a good foundation of their mental, physical, emotional, and social development, preparing them for a good future and lifetime.
Improves children concentration and attention spans. Ideally, children are curious and more interested when discovering or learning new things. High-quality childhood education programs help children maximize the opportunities of learning new things, experiences, environments while maintaining the required balance with the listening ability. While discovering new opportunities, children can also participate in in-group tasks, follow instructions correctly, and work independently. All these develop their concentration, an important life skill.
Boosts children enthusiasm and lifelong learning. Children subjected to high-quality childhood education are reported to be more curious and confident. For this reason, they perform better academically. Children become resilient and problem solvers during difficulty times, adapt quickly in school or new environments hence reap educational benefits faster. Besides, they acquire their ability to exploit new opportunities is enhanced, such as music, play, singing, construction, cooking, and dancing.
Economic benefits. This type of education has economic impacts as well. Children further their education as their educational morale is boosted. They receive better job skills and training. They, as such, have better and higher incomes. Chances of these children being involved in drug and substance abuse are low compared to their counterparts. This is beneficial to the states as their taxes are used in nation-building.
Early Childhood Education is beneficial to children, as highlighted in this article.