Saving money seems daunting until you try it. You may have lofty dreams that seem unachievable but you can tone it down in the beginning to make it feasible. The important thing is to develop a system that will allow you to save on a regular basis and allow your money to grow. It is hard at first but having ample savings will reduce your anxiety about the future and give you the power to tackle any emergency head-on. That is worth all the effort when saving money for beginners.
List Your Reasons for Saving Money
Before you begin on your journey towards financial security, you need to state clean reasons why you are saving money for beginners. Go back to this list when you are losing your motivation. In fact, you can write it in a sticky note and place it on a prominent area of your desk. You could also put this list on the fridge with a magnet. This constant reminder will keep you on-track through the weeks, months, and years.
Reduce Non-essential Spending
You won’t be able to save anything if you are living from paycheck to paycheck. You need to have something left over from each pay cycle. This isn’t just a problem for the underprivileged. A lot of well-off individuals spend their money on things that they regret later on just to keep up with their friends, relatives, neighbors, or coworkers. Look back at your spending in the past months and find saving opportunities. You don’t have to eliminate everything that makes you happy. Treat yourself but try to reduce your non-essential spending.
Create a Weekly Budget
If you don’t already have one, then create a weekly budget to get a bird’s eye view of your spending pattern. Set aside enough funds for your bill payments, groceries, and other non-negotiables. See how much is left after that. If this is too low, then figure out ways to increase your excess income. You could shop at a different store and buy bulk packages for frequently used items, for example. Stick to your budget week in and week out. Allow yourself to make discretionary purchases but limit the amount.
Decide on a Specific Percentage or Dollar Amount
Set yourself a definite savings target each month. This could be expressed as a percentage of your income such as 10%-20%. You can increase the percentage as you move up the ranks and get higher pay. If you prefer setting a specific dollar amount per month, then that is fine, too.