One of the best ways of growing your business and expanding your market share is acquiring a competitor or merging with them. Mergers and acquisitions are quite common in the business world, but they are not always fruitful. After all, a company might merge with a firm with undisclosed debts, shrinking market share or serious legal issues. Imagine buying out a business that seems to be extremely profitable only to find out that the profits are seasonal. Such a business may drain your capital. Before merging or acquiring another business, therefore, it is recommended you consult the experts in mergers and acquisitions.
M&A advisory Sydney residents should know can be incredibly helpful because these consultants know what to look for in a company. They have a checklist, a team of accountants who have an eye for detail and lawyers who can offer you the best possible advice. Since there are many advisory firms in Sydney, you will need to compare them to find the best advisor for your case. For this reason, the following are important factors to consider:
i) Licensing and Certification
You don’t want to get advice from quacks, so you have to pay attention to the validity of licences different firms have. You want to consult a properly-licensed advisory firm, so be sure to check the expiry dates, licence categories and issuing authorities prior to making a decision. The ideal service provider should also be certified.
ii) Experience
The years of experience different firms have been in business is a critical factor to be taken into consideration. The ideal advisory firm must have been in business for several years and must have previously advised numerous clients on M&A issues. Be sure to also check the industries an advisor has experience with as this may help you pick out the right advisor for your needs.
iii) Cost
All M&A advisors usually charge a fee for their services. The fee can be a fixed amount or it can be a percentage of the transaction amount. Whatever the billing method, you need to compare the fees charged by all the M&A advisory Sydney on your list as this will help you make an informed decision.
You will need to pay attention to the reputation of the service providers on your list. This is because you want to hire a trusted and reliable advisory firm. Therefore, be sure to read as many reviews and client testimonials as you can before committing yourself.