Nowadays, everybody is using social media. In fact, if you are not in any of the popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, either you are being too much conservative or you simply don’t exist. However, using social media to promote your music is quite different from using it normally to check what your friends are up to. For inspiration, here are a few factors that you need to remember to get the most of your social media efforts in Bayside:

• It is not a straight-up marketing platform: You should use social media as medium for conversation and your word-of-mouth marketing. So, never attempt to be too much promotional. In fact about 80 percent of your posts should be conversational, interesting and funny.

• Frame content in interesting ways: Limiting the amount of promotional content in your posts does not imply that your conversational posts cannot be promotional. It is just a matter of framing and balancing your content in a more professional and interesting way. For instance, if you are recording a new song, you can sprinkle a few updates on social media. You can tell a story about your inspiration for the song or post a teaser video of the song. If you are on a tour in Bayside, you can take photos and short videos of the venues or audiences. As you can guess, such videos and photos are not obviously promotional but they will still let your fans know what’s going on.

• Make It A Bit Personal: Like other forms of music entertainment in Bayside, fans will always be eager to know what’s happening behind the scenes and prefer that you speak with them personally. So, when positing on social media, do it in a conversational manner and post pictures of your brand or music group doing average things like stopping for refreshments on the road or doing other things that are touristy. Being relatable is a great way of resonating with your followers. If the content that you post is personal and genuine, your fans will feel more connected to you and the meanings or motivation behind your music.

Nonetheless, you should always remember that social media should not be treated as the end-all-be-all while marketing your music. In fact, if you don’t manage it properly, it can be a huge time suck that can turn your attention away from your music. If possible, therefore, hire a social media manager to handle a few things for you.

Promoting Your Music Via Social Media

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