Every person wants to have clean skin with no blemishes, acne, and scar. A dermatologist gives you a lotion or cream to deal with acne or some antibiotics when it comes to acne treatment. The side effects of antibiotics for acne make skincare experts look for other options. Therefore, more clinical studies of probiotics for clean skin are coming on the surface. The question is, “Are probiotics beneficial for the skin?” or “Can you get a clean skin with them?” If that’s what you are wondering about, then it’s time to get the answer.
What are Probiotics?
These are bacteria that are beneficial for us. You already eat fermented food like yogurt- which is full of probiotics cultures that can strengthen the digestive tract. You might have heard it many times that whatever you eat comes on your skin. Your gut has a strong connection with your skin. If you are eating oily food, then your pores will pop up the oil. Similarly, when you eat healthy bacteria like Probiotics, they will reduce inflammation on your skin and balance your disturbed hormones. Thus, these beneficial bacteria will resolve dysbiosis and contribute to healthy and clean skin.
Oral and Topical Probiotics
When it comes to adding probiotics in your life to get clean and clear skin, you have two options despite eating yogurt. One is Oral in the form of supplement, and the second is topical, where you apply probiotics on your skin. The oral option is widely used and clinically tested worldwide; therefore, you can get probiotics supplements over the counter. The concept of applying bacteria on your skin is still under the beta testing phase; consequently, you don’t have easy access to topical probiotics.
Do they Work?
Tons of studies have been made on probiotics for clean skin, so it’s time to know how oral supplements can improve your skin’s health. When you have acne and breakouts, then you naturally have more inflammation in the bodies. Thanks to the regular use of probiotics, you can calm inflammation. Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) have a hormonal imbalance to consume probiotics orally and regain the average hormonal balance.
During three clinical trials, health experts combine probiotics with antibiotics for acne treatments. People who used this combo treatment were able to reduce their acne faster than those who only relied on antibiotics. Gut Dysbiosis- an imbalance in your gut, has a close connection to acne and breakout. You can dissolve dysbiosis through probiotics that would reduce acne and let you have clean skin.