RPM discs are excellent tools to have in your arsenal. However, they can’t win the game all by themselves. You will have to put in the work to make them go where they need to be. This is not an easy thing given the changing conditions on the course from the wind to the ground. Players will just have to adapt as they go and develop techniques to improve. Below are a few ideas on how to perform better with your RPM discs:

Develop a Warmup Routine

Do you have trouble maintaining consistency? Do you have a great throw in one hole and have bad throws in another hole? One way to ensure that you get it right each time is to develop a warmup routine. You could stretch, take deep breaths, check your form, aim, and get a few motions in before the actual throw. Observe how the best players do it so that you can collect more ideas.

Get a Feel for the Right Grip

Newbies tend to fall on either of two extremes. Some grip the disc too tight because they are so tense. This will prevent it from moving away the way you intended. Others don’t grip it tightly enough and the disc slips away earlier than it should. It can take a bit of practice to get a feel for the right pressure but just continue to work on it until you get the ideal level.

Don’t Run on the Tee Pad

Some people think that you need to gather more momentum by running on the tee pad. This is not the case at all. If you check out the top players, they make their throws without much fanfare. In fact, these are usually slow and smooth. Besides, running and throwing with all your might is not a guarantee of a good outcome. It’s not just about how far your throw the disc. It’s also about how accurate your placement is. Accuracy is likely to suffer with such a build-up.

Forget Your Ego

Beginners make the mistake of thinking that they always have to beat the other people in terms of distance. It makes them feel good to go farther than everyone else. However, the reality is that there are many cases wherein it’s in your best interest to go a little short. Find a spot that gives you a great chance of making it to the basket and go there. Forget about what others are doing and focus on your game plan.

Performing Better With Your RPM Discs

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