Asperger’s in adults is less discussed than the condition in children. This is an important topic though as kids with the syndrome grow up to become adults with the condition. Whether they have been diagnosed or not, many adults are aware that they have Asperger’s either by understanding the symptoms they exhibit or by taking the various Aspergers Test for Adults online.
A recent Aspergers Test for Adults brought to surface the challenges that they face in everyday life.
Employment – Adults with Asperger’s are usually very brilliant and capable people. They however require a compatible environment to be able to work well. Unfortunately, not many workplaces can offer them the space they need. Adults with Asperger’s can be disturbed by the lights, sounds and smells in a typical work environment and be unable to work well. Sensory issues and getting overwhelmed easily come in the way of achieving what they want. It might be difficult for them to get along with others too or even get past an interview. They do have goals and aspirations in their life. While some of them accomplish them with a lot of work and determination, many others cannot find any meaningful work to do and feel unworthy.
Social anxiety – Often adults with Asperger’s might feel left out when they see their peers securing jobs, getting married or staying alone and having an active social life. This might lead to frustration and bitterness in them. They might find themselves inadequate when compared to others their age. This can even lead to depression. It might be difficult for them to live alone too as they need to depend on others a lot even for their daily tasks. Socializing too might not happen so much as it can be draining for them.
Difficulty in relationships – Adults with Asperger’s, like every other person, want to connect with fellow human beings and have relationships. However, their lack of social skills and anxiety come in the way of bonding with others. Romantic connections can be even more difficult for them. They thus end up alone and lonely. Social activities with other adults who have Asperger’s can however be helpful for them.
These are the major problem areas for many adults with Asperger’s. There are however ways to address all of them, especially if they find a support group. The future need not be bleak for adults with the condition. All they need are people and programs that understand their needs, and help them to lead a successful, fulfilling and happy life.
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