Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM medicine originated in China around 5000 years ago. It has been termed as “fraught with pseudoscience” and it does not have any logical mechanism of action. This technique is widely used in East Asian cultural sphere or Sinosphere. The basic principle of TCM medicine depends on the functionality of specific energy called “Qi or Chi” that traverses through channels called meridians. These energy meridians or Qi points are directly connected to the particular body organs and regulate the mechanisms of that body organ.

The allopathic medications used in modern day work on the superficial aspects of a disease or illness and treat the visible symptoms of the disease only. Allopathic medicines are unable to erase the disease from the basic inline system of body. A lot of side effects are associated with the chemicals used in the preparation of these medicines. Traditional Chinese medicine on the other hand works upon the hormones, balance and energy. It acts directly on the deep-rooted imbalances that generate any disease, removes all the toxic genetic substances or disease causing agents from the body cells without causing any side effects.

The vital energy or Qi of body works to regulate the basic functions of all the body organs. Any blockages in the proper flow of Qi energy due to internal or external factors cause the malfunctioning or disability in that body organ. The traditional Chinese medicine system focuses on implementing deep bound actions on those blockages. It facilitates removal of blockages and activates balanced flow of energy thus improving the functioning of related body organs. It aims to promote health and harmony in life.

The main techniques that are followed under TCM are:

-Acupuncture: Very fine needles are pierced into the skin of the patient at specific points called Qi meridians which get activated to release balanced Qi energy. The balanced flow of Qi energy regulates the functioning of the body organ related to that specific Qi point. This technique has been found successful in treatment of pain, toxicity, skin and hair related problems.

-Cupping: Heated cups are placed on the skin to create suction. This suction works to heal the body by generating blood flow and activated Qi channels.

-Herbal medicine: A varied range of herbs are used to remove the blockages from Qi channels. These include herbal teas, powders or capsules made by processing raw herbs.

-Meditation: Deep breathing practice enabled by sitting in straight, calm and quiet situation. It enhances blood circulation, stress release, increased oxygen level of blood and stronger immunity.

-Tiachi: Slow motion exercises practiced with deep breathing.
The principle diagnostic methods of TCM are Inspection, auscultation, olfaction, inquiry and palpations.

Most of the developed nations have regulated TCM as a registered medical practice. Those nations include USA, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, Japan, NewZealand and Singapore.

Insight To TCM Medicine

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