Excellent drives might set you up for a good start but you need great putts to sink the ball. After all, you cannot hope to go on a hole-in-one all the time. You have to be methodic out on the course. If you are constantly having trouble with you short game, then work on it. Try to improve so that you can become more confident the closer to get to the finish. Below are some of the tips that experts recommend:

Drills, Drill, Drills

You need to practice as much as you can wherever you can. If you can only do it at home, then create a setup indoors or outdoors. Work on improving your accuracy by putting at a close distance until you get it perfect in every round. Move a foot farther and repeat. Keep increasing the distance until you can put the ball on the hole with ease even at 15-20ft. Just remember that putting on a smooth floor will be different from the real thing so train on an actual course when possible.

Read the Green’s Condition

You need to learn how to read the current condition on the green. The terrain is not flat or smooth all the time. Even slight humps can make a big difference in the path of the ball. These will require you to compensate by going around them or increasing the force of your stroke. You will also have to consider the lines left by the mower as that can affect the game as well.

Develop a Routine

If you have alternating good days and bad days on the green, then you have to work on improving your consistency. Try to develop a routine that will help you plan your shot, relax your body, focus your mind, and make even strokes. Find out what order and pace works for you. Everybody is different so you can’t just copy what another person is doing. You can pattern your game after someone else but you will still have to tweak it to your needs.

Use a Mirror Putting Aid, you can try to use tools to help in the physical and mechanical aspects of your putting. A mirror putting aid will provide guides to check your alignment. Correct the flaws as early as possible. You can depend on this to set up your form until your body gets used to the proper positioning.

Improving Your Putting Game Down The Stretch

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