Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the primary compounds contained in marijuana. As such, there is a need to know the amount of THC listed in the strain you are using. To test, all you need is to place a sample on a slide and add a few drops of the testing solution and allow the substances to react. Testing the amount of THC in the body requires using fluid test saliva or blood serum. Again, the samples must be processed when the compounds are active.

How to check THC levels, buy your home testing kit. There is a range of kits used for detecting THC concentration. It is essential to use a kit that detects THC in particular as kits for testing THC and CBD and may give complex results to interpret.

Select the strain for marijuana testing. Quick tests guarantee results for the amount of THC contained in the strain you’re using. This is important as you will never find medial information on such products. As such, when verifying the type of content available in the strain you’re using. Test one strain at a time and make sure the strain has not been in contact with other strains as this will throw away or misguide the reading/ results.

Read the available instructions carefully. Home kits are never complex to use; however, they work differently. As such, it is essential to read the available instructions carefully on how to conduct the tests. Otherwise, be sure of getting inaccurate results.

Place only small amounts of marijuana. Separate and test an average of a fifth gram. Granted, small amounts/strains guarantee results. Usually, kits indicate the exact measurement or amount they can use. Consider breaking large clumps aimed at allowing samples to infuse in the testing solution. Besides, use a pair of tweezers to handle tiny test samples.

Add to the vial the testing solution and squeeze a few drops from the bottle. Besides, shake and close the vial and secure the snap top lid. Consider, shaking the vial vigorously. Put the thumb over the lid to prevent the inside liquid oozing out. Lastly, put the sample on the color chat found in the test kit. Usually, color charts are indicated a range of potency. Hold the vial up to the chart that mostly matches.

In summary, how to check THC levels in marijuana you are using is quite essential as it helps to know the amount of concentration you are consuming. All you need is to follow the steps highlighted in this article explicitly and be sure of results.