Booking flights can be frustrating: there are many search engines, airfares change quickly and finding the cheapest flights can be time consuming. Here are some easy tips for saving money on airfares. The best deals for cheap international flights are usually found online, although travel agents can have special deals that are not available on the Internet.

Book Early

Flight prices rise as the departure date gets closer. It is best to plan ahead and book as early as you can, especially if you have to fly on a specific day. Last minute deals are not very common anymore, and the best airfares are usually available if you book several months ahead. If you know when and where you are going to fly, book as soon as you can.

Cheap Departure Times

If you can be flexible about the departure date and the departure time, you can often find savings especially if you are willing to fly at an unpopular time. Flights that leave very early in the morning or very late at night are often cheaper than those that leave at more popular times. Flights are often cheaper during the week than on weekends, although this depends on the destination. Some airfares can even be lower during the weekend. Many airlines or flight search engines allow you to search for the cheapest airfare in a whole month, and you can use this option to find out the cheapest days to fly to your destination.

Flight Comparison Sites

There are several flight search engines but not all are equal. Some search engines add more extra costs, such as service and admin fees, than others. You can often find a different airfare for the same flight on many different search engines. Many flight comparison websites do not include budget airlines at all or only include some airlines. Try a few comparison sites and search engines to get an idea about different airfares.
Budget airlines are often much cheaper than major airlines, but watch out for the additional costs: baggage fees, service charges, extra charges for choosing your seat, and charges for food and drink on board. Many budget airlines fly to smaller airports outside major cities, and you will often have to pay more for transport from the airport to the city.
It is possible to find significant savings on airfares if you know how and where to look. Sometimes it is also a good idea to visit a local travel agent. You might be able to get cheap international flights that are only available to travel agent clients.