Personalised Word Art can take many forms. It can be 2-dimensional relief, a framed piece of art, or a 3-dimensional standalone sculpture. It is still Word art if words are used to create the image and it is personalised when there are names or words that specifically relate to you and your family or friends.
Personalised Word Art , Box frames with images of words that are raised from the page or formed with block letters would constitute 2-dimensional relief pieces. Ehen those block letters spell out your name or form words that describe who you are to someone you love, like my grandpa, grandma, or mom, then they become personalised words that form art. The words could form a graphic image such as an arch or a diamond. They could also create the outline or a more solid form depending on the thickness of the lettering and the type face used.
Wall Art
Traditional wall art such as a painting, printing or other flat piece of art is another way to create personalised art. Many artists simply spell out words using various type faces in bold or fine print and different type faces to make thick lines, thin lines, or other rudimentary shapes. When these basic shapes are combined the letters can create the impressions of the combinations of form that are the building blocks of any image portrayed on a canvas.
3-Dimensional Statues
Word art statues can be represented as wood carvings, ceramic, or clay forms, or be shaped from metal. Whatever, the final form it will be a group of letters stylized in a single font or a mixture of fonts. Those fonts will be represented according to the image being created. A lightweight font could be used to contrast against a bold heavy font. Depending on the font size as well as the styling, the look of the word could be very stylized and freestyle.
Using bold and fine lettering the art becomes dense and the image can develop as well. The appearance of light lines or bold and thick lines gives the impression of bold strokes contrasted against fine feathering or thin lightweight type faces. As always, the words, First and last names will be spelled out and they will be juxtaposed next to, on top of, below and right next to words that define personal traits, hobbies, husbands, your favorite cities, children, or pets.