Smart homes are becoming a reality. Virtual assistants are already in wide use with voice commands directing them todo the owner’s bidding. They can turn the lights on or off, and do the same with almost all other types of connected appliances. It should be no surprise that some are pushing the development of a voice activated door. This will improve security in theory because owners can always lock their house when they need to in a snap. Consider the following if buying such a device for installation:
These door locks work in different ways. Some will require you to be close enough that it can hear your voice. Others can be connected to your smartphone such that you can call it and direct it to lock itself, just in case you forgot to do so when you left the house. This means there is no more panic when you frantically leave for the office in the morning. You can be confident that the house is locked when you go away for a vacation.
Voice Recognition
You want a door lock that is able to differentiate your voice from that of others. It just wouldn’t be useful otherwise. It might even be a security issue if it takes direction from just anyone as long as the right words are spoken. Improved recognition is being develop and it won’t take long before this becomes commonplace. You speech pattern, tone, and other attributes can all come together to become the aural equivalent of a fingerprint.
Unlock Protection
Many of these voice activated door accept commands to lock the doors but they won’t accept requests for unlocking. This is another precautionary measure to prevent thieves from getting it. You might need to use a keycard or a numeric combination to get past the lock. This way, simply recording your voice will not allow them to gain access inside. If you are fairly confident about security, then you can do away with this feature.
The door lock must be reliable. When you tell it to lock the door, it should be able to fulfill your request right away and with certainty. That is the only way for it to provide you with piece of mind. Check out the reviews of various products to see how they perform in the real world as described by actual buyers. Learn from their mistakes so you don’t have to repeat them.