There is a growing trend towards feeding dogs natural raw dog food instead of processed kibble. Raw and natural dog feed can be better for dogs because this is free from additives, preservatives, and fillers that do not have any nutritional value. Processed dog meals also tends to be formulated with preservatives and other chemicals that could be harmful to dogs in the long run.

Read on to know why raw dried dog food could be more beneficial for your pooch.

Suitable for the digestive processes of canines

Dogs are naturally descended from wolves which means that their digestive system is designed to thrive on raw meats for protein and fat. While dogs are omnivorous, they cannot digest all types of plant-based foods which means that starch-based meals may be hard to process and may not be as nutritionally compatible with their digestive system. Kibble and other processed meals often contain too much starch and little fat and protein. Its formulation also promotes the growth of the wrong gut bacteria, which can affect the overall health and immunity of your dog. This is easily seen in cases when skin disorders in dogs easily reverse when they switch to a raw diet.

Nutrient Content

Raw dried feed are made of raw meats, fish, vegetables, bones, nuts, fruits, and other natural ingredients. The process of freezing means that water is removed to dry out the food but all the nutrients and minerals remain intact. Because it has not been exposed to heat that denatures proteins and breaks down nutrients, freeze-dried food remains nutrient-dense and can be mixed to provide a balanced mix of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals needed for optimal canine health.

Sanitation and long shelf-life

Unlike fresh and raw food which poses sanitary problems especially if you are preparing it at home, raw dried dog feed is safe, hygienic and easy to prepare. With dried raw meals you can feed your dog nutritious food without fillers and preservatives. Raw and dried dog feed is also shelf-stable, allowing you to stock up on different types of dog feed without any worries about spoilage. Due to their dry nature, this type of dog meal is easy to prepare anywhere, perfect when traveling with your pooch.

Raw dried natural dog feed is fast becoming a trend among pet owners who want to feed their dogs nutrient-dense meals. Aside from being full of nutrients and minerals, raw dried natural dog food can improve the digestive process, boost immunity, and is easy to prepare compared to food that is raw but not freeze-dried. It is more resistant to spoilage and is easy to prepare anywhere. All these advantages make a switch to raw, dried dog food a sensible choice especially for those who want the best for their four-legged best friends.

Benefits Of Raw Dried Natural Dog Food

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