DNS (Domain Name System) server is the soul and heart of the entire internet. Its goal is to map server hostnames to IP addresses. Because of the many crucial functions it performs within the internet and enterprise mainstream, DNS has become a playing field for malicious hackers meaning proper security measures should be put in place. A good security strategy should stop a host of malicious endeavors in its tracks, including redirecting phone calls, cache poisoning, rerouting email, and any other service attacks that may threaten the very basis of modern communications and commerce. Thus, a DNS security service plays an important role in streamlining the functions of all programs that interact together within a layered network.

Benefits businesses acquire from implementing a DNS security service:

Security From the Ground Up

Most DNS servers are tailored from the ground up to provide the utmost security to customers. This personalized design ensures that all malicious hackers are kept at bay, the kernel is properly hardened, and only the right interfaces are in use. As a consequence, any potential cyberattack threat or unnecessary risk is controlled more effectively and efficiently.

The Ability to Block Internal Threats

All DNS servers are password-protected and their configuration files are not usually stored in clear-text. This means only the administrator can access the server and alter these files. Anyone else without authorization is prevented from gaining access to the server and its files as a safety precaution.

Multi-Layer DDoS Protection

DNS servers have a reputation for providing well-rounded, multi-layered protection against even the most dreaded DDoS attacks (Denial of Service). The server contains intelligent DDoS detection features that make it difficult for risks associated with DDoS attacks to go through. Also, its traffic limiting and load functions allow the server to systematically analyze and authenticate all security extensions to ensure that it is not vulnerable to any cyber attacks. Because of the high levels of security experienced, DNS servers are now being heavily employed by many reputable companies around the world that want to effectively and efficiently eliminate any kind of cyber attacks.


Attackers will always find new ways to harm other people’s data and gain access to their devices and network unnoticed. An effective security strategy should prevent any kind of DNS hijacking or DNS attacks from occurring. In this way, the internet mainstream would become a safer and more enjoyable place for everyone. A DNS security service allows people to put in place robust security measures that businesses can rely on to tackle any kind of cyber attacks.

Benefits Of A DNS Security Service For Small Businesses

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