Troubleshooting is not that easy, and in many cases, it will take a lot of time trying to figure out if you are to block, to resource the server, or even apply the stored procedures to aid your long execution designs. Picking these causes is typically hard and time-consuming, to help you with identifying the most comfortable SQL troubleshooting. Here are some ways you can still have it done instead of opting for PSS.
Troubleshooting application with SQL
Note if, by any chance, you did not find or collect any information on the performance problem, you might go ahead and get the data again, but this will delay your troubleshooting process. So, after the problem has occurred, try to collect the following information and have them available to refer.
The SQL dial report and the Microsoft NT application and system event logs.
In many scenarios, NT and Event Logs have the required information to help you capture the performance of the program. The whole process might take a longer time when it comes to performance and the identification of the SQL troubleshooting. At all costs, try to capture the baseline profile log, server Performance, and the blocker script.
High Traffic SQL
Try to get the same information in a traffic SQL server; the chances are that you will experience the server degradation. But, you will need this information to identify the cause and point to start your rectification process. Like other servers, SQL profile tracer has a crucial role to play in the performance and reduce traffic PSS. It is all about understanding the start and the end. Looking for the solution to ensure that you have everything to refer to and to confirm.
Blocker Output
This is the critical stage to help you identify the blocking scenarios. You can use the output from the same script to help you troubleshoot the problem performance when blocking is not an option. The output also helps to determine if the queries are still waiting on the I/O file. And if transactions are being committed on the rolled script.
SQL Profiler Trace
This will help you capture all the activities on the computer running on SQL software. This information can be used to pick the slow running codes and non-optimal execution data. Lastly, the SQL profiler log is a series of activities that were running before the problem occurred and can be used to identify the cause. To generate and implement a good SQL track by use of GUI, click ” Monitor ” and generate PSS.