The need for a new revolution in agriculture has been on many people’s minds over the years. The current way we grow our food is not sustainable, it does not allow for efficient distribution, and it’s hard to get local produce. In addition, there are many problems with pesticides and herbicides, and GMOs. There have been massive protests throughout Europe from citizens against these farming practices. So what can be done? Artificial intelligence might help solve some of these issues by creating more sustainable farms that use fewer resources while producing higher yields. This would make food distribution easier and cheaper; furthermore, this would make locally grown produce more accessible to consumers (which recent polls show is something consumers want).
One of the biggest issues in modern farming is how much food is wasted. Those who live in urban city centers cannot grow their produce, so they have to rely on supermarkets and distributors for what they eat. However, sometimes there are problems with transportation or breakdowns at large warehouses where food is stored. This can lead to many people being left without fresh fruit and vegetables because the only option they have is a supermarket which doesn’t always get deliveries of new goods on time. Google has come up with the idea to help end this problem by using one of its latest projects- self-driving cars. They plan to build self-driving tractors that will work autonomously while also using less fuel than current tractors. This will save precious fuel and allow for more efficient farming practices so that there is less waste in the food production process. AI Used in Agriculture can be a win-win situation for everyone involved because farmers will have higher yields with less effort, distributors will have access to good produce which they can then distribute much more cheaply, and consumers will have lower prices on their goods while being able to purchase fresh produce grown locally.
Another issue in modern farming is growing enough food to feed the rapidly increasing population of the world. There are many problems associated with getting enough food from fields to people’s tables. In China, one of these problems has been solved by using AI to monitor the crops in Beijing instead of relying on human labor. This has allowed the country to grow nearly ten percent more wheat in Beijing than it would have been able to otherwise. In addition, there is no need for pesticides because of the AI system, which monitors the fields, telling workers where they should spray and where they should not. This means that crops are healthier overall. Furthermore, the cost of food production goes down because there is no need for human labor; this can make food cheaper for consumers all over China,
In conclusion, AI Used in Agriculture is already being used in many aspects of the food industry. Companies are using AI to grow more produce with less effort, which will help those who rely on farming for their living and also those who want access to healthier food at lower price.