Acupuncture for pain is a viable treatment option for certain conditions. Its ability to help patients reduce muscle tension and pain is one of its many benefits. In fact, research has shown that patients who undergo acupuncture for pain experience an increased level of pain relief after a single treatment. Further, the procedure is becoming widely accepted by the medical community, and patients are increasingly turning to it as an effective complement to conventional medicine.

Studies in humans have had mixed results, but a few have shown that acupuncture helps reduce pain and improves the quality of life. One trial conducted by Dr. Mao involved 360 people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Participants were older, and seventy percent were women. The patients were randomly assigned to either acupuncture or usual care for their pain, which included pain medications, physical therapy, and steroids. The study followed the participants for 16 weeks.

The ancient practice of acupuncture has migrated to Western countries in recent years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body at specific “acupoints” along the meridians. These points balance the flow of life energy, or qi, throughout the body. Acupuncture may also affect the serotonin levels in the brain. This is because the flow of qi can be affected by pain in the targeted area.

In addition to being a form of treatment, acupuncture has been proven to reduce pain by blocking certain types of receptors in the brain. Adenosine is an endogenous opiate that affects sleep, inflammation, and pain. Its effect on the brain is so profound that mice without adenosine receptors do not experience pain relief. Further, adenosine has powerful therapeutic implications in humans, influencing the development of a wide variety of conditions.

The number of sessions required for Acupuncture for pain will depend on the severity of the pain. The treatment may include several treatments, ranging from three to six a week. Treatments may be spaced further apart based on the condition and the individual response of the body. Acupuncture treatment typically takes between 20 to 30 minutes per session. The length of treatment will depend on how severe the pain is, the number of points involved, and how many people are affected.
Acupuncture treatment may require several sessions, but there is no limit to how many times the patient can go.

In conclusion, while further research is needed, acupuncture may be a promising treatment option for chronic pain. If you are considering acupuncture as a treatment for your chronic pain, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner.

Acupuncture For Pain – Does It Work

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