Most wine enthusiasts know Kaesler wines as a product of Barossa Valley. Although these wines are quite popular today, they are over a century old. Again, there are lots of interesting facts about these wines that most people barely know about. Without further ado, here are 5 interesting facts about Kaesler wines.

Some Kaesler wines are better than others

Kaesler wines aren’t made the same as with other types of wines. Some of these wines have higher amounts of tannins than others. Whereas it can be quite challenging to tell exactly which Kaesler wines are best, wines that come with lower alcoholic percentages are much better than their high alcohol counterparts.

Young wines are much better than old wines

Unlike in ordinary wines where old wines are perceived to be the best, the concept is different when it gets to Kaesler wines. Young Kaesler wines taste better than their older counterparts.

The color of Kaesler wines is determined by the grape skins

The color in Kaesler wines is determined by the presence of anthocyanin, a natural plant pigment. This plant pigment is found naturally in the grape skin. If the wine has a higher concentration of anthocyanin, then it appears much darker than wine that has a lesser concentration of this plant pigment.

Nearly all Kaesler wines are derived from a single species of grape

For all common types of Kaesler wines such as Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Merlot, Vitis vinifera is the main species of grape used for making these wines. While it is widely perceived that the species originates from France, its origin, however, can be traced to Eastern Europe. There are only a handful types of Kaesler wines that are made from different species, but these types of wines are very rare.

The aromas present in Kaesler wines is determined by the grapes used

Kaesler wines are known to be loaded with hundreds of aromas. The aromas, herbs, cherry, jam, and berry found in these wines are gotten from grapes. The types of grapes used to determine the aromas present in a Kaesler wine. If the grapes are quite fermented, then the wine will have multiple aromas.


As you can see, there are many interesting facts about Kaesler wines. In fact, the above highlighted 5 facts are just the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’. Nonetheless, one thing is for sure: these wines are quite popular among wine enthusiasts.

5 Interesting Facts To Know About Kaesler Wines

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