It’s worrying to have to remove lice from your child’s body, but it’s more worrying to have to deal with a reinfestation. Just the thought of it makes everyone at home shiver with fear. Inasmuch as the conventional treatments that lice removal companies recommend will work, there is no guarantee that a reinfestation won’t occur. It normally takes a few human lice to mount a reinfestation. If a single louse can lay as many as 100 eggs (nits) a month, just imagine what two or three can do.

The good news is that you can prevent a reinfestation if you understand where to target during your control operations. Here are 5 expert tips to use:

1. Examine Everyone at Home

You need to check everyone, even those who were never attacked, to make sure that no one escapes with the lice unknowingly. You may need to ask everyone to reduce their hair and check for the nits as well as the mature lice.

2. Wash the Beddings and Clothing Thoroughly

Use hot water (1300F) and a powerful detergent to clean your clothes and beddings. The hot water will kill the lice that may have escaped your primary control measure. Once the fabrics are clean, you should dry them out in the sun or put them in the air dryer. The heat will destroy the stubborn nits.

3. Dy Clean Stuff That You Can’t Wash

Things like stuffed animal toys can’t be washed and since they pose the danger of harboring the human lice, you should dry clean them. Alternatively, keep them in airtight plastic bags for 3 days or more to kill the lice.

4. Vacuum the Upholstery

Sometimes, lice hide in the carpet and the furniture fabric. You need to vacuum the surfaces to ensure the lice are destroyed. Do this in the house and in the car.

5. Soak the Lice Control Tools in Hot Water

Lastly, you should not forget to disinfect the lice comb and brush that you used. Soak them in hot water for a few minutes to kill lice that may be attaching.


To make sure that human lice never recur at home, you need the right strategies. The above tips are what most lice removal companies recommend. Follow them precisely to live a louse-free life at home. In case you’ve implemented every strategy but your child still has lice, it could be due to three reasons: there were some nits that were left behind, the child is still being exposed to friends with lice, or the treatment options that you are using aren’t effective.

5 Expert Tips For Preventing Human Lice Reinfestation

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