Vertical gardening is an excellent way of saving space in both small and large gardens. The system uses bottom-up and top-down supports, and plants are grown in an upward-directed vertical direction to ensure that each uses as minimal floor space as possible. Starting a vertical garden is not easy, and neither is making it productive. However, the benefits that come with it are worth it in the long run.

Find a Suitable Support Structure

A vertical garden requires a support system for your plants. You can use the wall of your home, your fence, or build a free-standing structure such as a trellis for the sole purpose of supporting your garden. If you are looking for an inexpensive option to start with, the wall is the best. You don’t need to make any significant modifications to it. However, if you mind drilling holes into your holes, this option isn’t for you.

You can opt for the fence or a trellis. Fences are also inexpensive as you won’t have to build anything. However, the aesthetics of your property may be affected. In this case, you can opt for a standalone trellis or lattice which can be placed at the most convenient place on your property. Contact vertical gardeners Southampton experts so that they can help you to build a lattice or trellis.

Choose Your Planting Style

The next step is to determine how you will plant on your vertical garden. You can use pots or other types of containers or plants on the ground. Pots and containers are the best space-saving options as you can place them on shelves or hung them on hooks on your trellis or fence. If you opt to use the ground, you have to grow plants that climb a trellis or lattice. In other words, these are plants that extend vertically. If you grow plants that extend horizontally on the ground, they will occupy a lot of space, and this will take away the meaning of a vertical garden.

When choosing your pots and containers, make sure that water or other weather elements cannot damage them. In this case, wooden containers require extra care to prevent damage by water. Use polythene sheets around any wooden pots to protect them.

Select Your Irrigation System

Southampton doesn’t get rain all year-round; therefore, you need to water your plants to increase their productivity. Determine what irrigation system you will use in your garden. You can water your plants using sprinklers, a garden hose, or a reticulation system if you already have one. If you don’t have an established irrigation system in your home, you can always go for the cheaper options which are sprinklers and garden hoses.

Once all this is done, you can plant your seeds or plants and nurture your garden. However, if you have a hard time building a garden on your own, don’t hesitate to contact other vertical gardeners Southampton has to offer for advice. They will give you tips on how to maintain the garden and keep it productive all year round.

3 Steps To Grow A Productive Vertical Garden In Southampton

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