Fabric grow pots have been around since the ’80s and millions of people have been using them because of the fact that they are durable, lightweight, and reusable. They also do not promote huge root growth, they create fantastic vegetables and super healthy plants. Here are three reasons why you should use fabric grow pots:

Air Pruning

Air pruning is when plants put are into regular pots, their roots grow towards the edge of the pots, where the roots will then grow in a circle inside the pot. The roots will continue to go around and around the pot trying to find air, which creates a mass of roots that will eventually kill the plant. When you plant plants in fabric pots, the roots will still grow in the same manner, but the fabric will allow the air to flow through the pot, keeping the roots healthy.

No More Over-watering

Over-watering of plants is the top killer of all potted plants for sure. Clay and plastic pots tend to keep all the moisture in the bottom of the pot, which leads to over-watering and the plants dying. This even applies to pots that have drainage holes in them. Fabric pots on the other hand are almost impossible to over-water, due to the fact that the water can escape through the fabric. This allows for the water to be evenly distributed and keeps the plants perfectly moist, but not wet. The fact that fabric pots eliminate the possibility of over-watering is what makes them superior to other types of pots.

Hello Oxygenation

There are a lot of gardeners that think that carbon dioxide is what makes plants thrive, which is partly true, but they do also need oxygen. Even though the leaves of the plants do produce oxygen via photosynthesis, the roots do not get any. The roots need to absorb oxygen from the environment around them, just like people.

When plants are planted in plastic or clay pots, the roots only get oxygenated at the surface. When you choose to plant in fabric pots, the oxygen can flow through the pot, directly to the roots, which allows for oxygen to reach the entire root system. The result of this is a super healthy root system and bigger, better plants.

So, if you are still planning on going for the plastic and clay pots, you are making a huge mistake.

3 Reasons Why Fabric Pots Are Better

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