Graduates from trade school programs are on high demand. This is because of a huge shortage of labor in skilled trades and vocational careers. For instance, high-paying positions, such as welding and electrical work are just on the verge of experiencing this. For this reason, more people are needed to pursue trade school programs for them to fill this gap. Below are some high-paying jobs for those who graduate from trade school:

Air traffic controller

An air traffic controller in the United States is paid $59.87 per hour. To get this job, you are typically required to have an associate’s degree or commensurate military experience. Even though there are some other requirements for you to qualify for this position, you can do so by simply pursuing a two-year vocational program.

The job of an air traffic controller mainly focuses on the safety of air operations. On top of that they ensure efficiency in airports by guiding air traffic into and out of them. In case of an emergency, these people may be asked to make tough decision and play important roles in getting aircrafts and passengers safely back on the ground.

Construction managers

The average pay for a construction manager in the U.S. is $42.00 per hour. These professionals, when compared to other managers, are responsible for nearly every aspect of the building they are working on. This includes finishing the project on time, within the set specifications, and on time. A huge number of these experts are independent contractors. This means that they have to find work for themselves. This allows them the freedom of choosing which construction project to work on and which one not to.

Radiation therapy

Ome of the fastest growing career types in this category is radiation therapy. Those employed in this line of work earn on average $39.58 an hour in the United States. If you undertake this program, you will most likely be employed in the oncology department at a hospital. Your work will be to administer diagnosis and treatments related to radiation. Your task may include the administration of cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) for 3D images of hard tissue, Cat scans, and X-rays. Another area you may work in is in the administration of radiation-based treatment to cancer patients.

As you can see, you can find a high-paying job by undertaking a trade school program of your choice. Therefore, visit a school offering these programs and enrol today.